Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Storyteller

So today was a good day today. The weather was nice though it was warm which is awesome for me. My body is 2 degrees below normal so I HATE the cold but LOVE the heat. Thank God I live in Texas!!!

I'm debating going to summer school since I'm buying a house right now. I had to drop a grand on summer school tuition and will need to get books but I'm $2900 short of the down payment I need for the house. Technically I can get this money but I'm a little worried.

Also there is the tiredness factor. I'm getting really sick of working and going to school and would like a break from the whole cycle. Then again I really don't because I'm a homebody who loves to read and other than the tests and papers to write this is how I normally roll.

I also want to start going out more and maybe do some dancing. Now that the Vit D thing is fading or being under control I could do that.

I don't know how I managed to lose 30 pounds but not drop a dress size. Mainly it's because I lost the weight in my face, arms, and legs. My stupid stomach stayed the same and that affects everything I wear. Hopefully soon this will stop and I can go shopping and look a bit slimmer.

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